Monday, July 8, 2019

Long Time Coming

It's been absolute ages since I touched this thing. I honestly can't even fully remember why I started a blog--I think it was probably because my oldest sister had one for her family, and I somehow ended up thinking it would be good to have one of my own. Then, of course, my author friends all have blogs or other pages around to get their books out there. I remember perusing several of their blogs and enjoying them, and I as was an aspiring author, I thought it couldn't hurt. I don't know that this will ever be that popular or exciting, but here it is.

My husband, Stephen, is the one we can blame for this sudden desire to blog again. I mean, I'd been thinking about it for a while, but his words confirmed my worst fears: I should blog again.

Why blog?

Well, it's a way to express oneself without the rapid pace of social media life. Everything on social media is flash emotions, "quick, spread the word!" and other such adrenaline addictive things. There's not as much time for reflection. And honestly, if anyone responds to these, I'd probably care less than on social media. It's not as attention grabbing, and I'm not sharing my thoughts to make a statement or start a riot. I'm just sharing some things to get them out of my head and make a mark of my life.

The last few years have been exceedingly difficult for me. I write in my journal on occasion (that's something I'm also working on improving), but I've discovered I have an easier time expressing myself if I think someone's going to read what I say. My journal is the record of my life and my emotions; this is less a stream of thoughts and more a way to articulate my life in a way that would make sense to others. At least, I hope it will make sense.

Anyway, I've been bottling a lot of things up, and I can't get out very often, so Stephen thought I ought to blog a bit. And who knows? Perhaps someone can benefit from what I have to say. That would be nice, to help others. I think that's probably at least 50% of the reason I want to write out my life stories. If I can help anybody reading this, then that's a good thing.

Perhaps, too, if I can get back to writing consistently, some of those things could wind up on here.

I can't promise this will come out in a chronological order. It probably won't, because brains don't always work like that. But it could be fun, though. It could be.

Kind of a lame post, but I figured I ought to create some kind of expectations for myself and anyone reading this. I doubt anyone will, but you never know.

So here you are, at the reboot of my blog.

Also, if you see glaring grammatical or typographical errors, you can let me know privately (my email should be available, I think) and I will fix them. As an author, I like things to be tidy. Just have some mercy, will ya?


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